Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Forklift, Ohio News: Issue 15 and Nate Pritts' Big Crisis

After a most unusual summer, we are pleased to announce the publication of Issue #15 of Forklift, Ohio: A Journal of Poetry, Cooking, & Light Industrial Safety, featuring:

Arlene Ang * Daniel Becker * Joshua Beckman * Oni Buchanan * Jane Ortrun Carver * John Colburn * Evan Commander * Bruce Covey * Darcie Dennigan * Scott Dennis * Joshua Edwards * Yasbel Fernandez-Acuna * Rachel Contreni Flynn * Terri Ford * Melissa Ginsburg * Paul Griffiths * Amy Grimm * Daniel Harris * Matthea Harvey * Anthony Hawley * Eric Higgins * James Hoch * Chris Hund * Andrew Kozma * Alex Lemon * Dora Malech * Clay Matthews * Anthony Mccann * Sandra Miller * Lisa Olstein * Paul Otremba * Kiki Petrosino * Nate Pritts * Bart Quinet * Brent Royster * Zach Savich * Michael Schiavo * Jason Schneiderman * Peter Jay Shippy * rachel m simon * Craig Morgan Teicher * Cody Todd * Nick Twemlow * Kate Umans * Mike Vallera * G.C. Waldrep * Ian Randall Wilson * Bradford K. Wolfenden II * Mark Yakich * Dean Young * Jason Zuzga

Visit www.ForkliftOhio.com for free samples, bios, & purchasing.

Please also check out, what we hope will be, the first in a string of new Forklift, Ink. chapbooks, Nate Pritts' Big Crisis. See it, see Nate, read a sample poem, some blurbs, etc. at:


We are also now once again reading for Forklift 16. Please query the editors before sending work.

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