Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Two new Lame House chapbooks!: Mine own SIMPLY ROCKET and Arlo Quint's PHOTOGENIC MEMORY

Hi everybody,

I'm pleased to be able to announce that my new chapbook of sonnets, SIMPLY ROCKET, featuring artwork by Jane Ortrun Carver, is now available from Gina Myers' Lame House press. If you'd like a copy you can follow the link above or visit the Lame House website: http://www.lamehouse.blogspot.com/ .

And while you're there, please also pick up a copy of the other new Lame House chap, Arlo Quint's Photogenic Memory (with cover art by Andrew Mister). Arlo's chap consists of one long poem, which begins "evolving the reach" and winds up "gaining an overall shape and living again". It's really a terrific piece--I know 'cause I got an advanced copy at the Lame House/Narrow House reading in Baltimore a couple of weeks ago. You should have one too.

I hope you'll pick up both chaps and enjoy.



makesnothinghappen said...

Simply Rocket= Five Stars

Mark Horosky said...


NB BOOM said...

Good Good Good.
I hope all is well