Sunday, March 30, 2008

MOOR POETRY SERIES READING w/ Zach Schomburg and Kiki Petrosino

Check out the announcement about the third installment of the MOOR POETRY SERIES below. This should be a good one--and really really really real... I hope all of you will be able to make it out. Matt

The Moor Poetry Series
presents a reading by:

Kiki Petrosino & Zach Schomburg

Wednesday, April 2, 6:30 PM
840 Gallery (located in the Steger Center at the University of Cincinnati)

Please contact 307.5055 for more information.

Zachary Schomburg is the author of The Man Suit (Black Ocean 2007). He co-edits Octopus Magazine and Octopus Books and is a PhD student at the University of Nebraska. His collaborations with Emily Kendal Frey are forthcoming in Pilot and Diode, and his translations of the Russian poet Andrei Sen-Senkov are forthcoming in Circumference. New poems from his manuscript, Scary, No Scary, are forthcoming in Denver Quarterly, Born, and Laurel Review and can be read here:

Kiki Petrosino holds graduate degrees from the Iowa Writers' Workshop and the University of Chicago. Her poems have appeared, or are forthcoming, in Fence, Best New Poets, Forklift Ohio, Alimentum, La Petite Zine, and elsewhere. Her first collection of poetry, Fort Red Border, will be published in fall 2009 by Sarabande Books. She lives in Iowa City.

Read her work here:

1 comment:

Brian Jones said...

Aww poets,

Awesome link to January Monster. I really enjoyed ZACHARY SCHOMBURG'S work and cant wait to hear him tonight.

His powerful singular lines like
"If you miss this, don't expect another chance. You want this." and "You think it will bite your face off". Show fearlessness and passion. Always good to see that.