Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Hey, I'm reading this weekend in San Francisco, Santa Cruz, Berkeley and at Stanford University with a bunch of really amazing poets. I hope some of you, esp. my friends on the West Coast, will try and make it out. Here's the info.:

1) BIG BELL Magazine Release Party w/ Marisa Crawford, Dodie Bellamy, Kevin Killian, and the mighty Russell Dillon. Thurs. April 17th, 9PM, Adobe Books, 3166 16th St., San Francisco, CA 94107.

2) A New Cadence Poetry Series w/ Chad Sweeney and Jason Morris: Fri. April 18th, 7:30 PM, Felix Kulpa Gallery, 107 Elm Street (behind Streelight Records), Santa Cruz, CA 95060

3) Pegasus Books Downtown w/ Darcie Dennigan: Sun. April 20th, 7:30 PM, 2349 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley, CA 94704

4) On the Cut: New Voices in Poetry w/ Major Jackson and Sandra Lim, Mon. April 21, 8PM Stanford Humanities Center, Stanford University, Stanford CA 94305

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