Monday, October 22, 2012


Hi all,

Just wanted to share this INTERVIEW that Justin Lightfoot Bigos did with me at The American Literary Review.  In it we talk about Sermons and Lectures Both Blank and Relentless, but also my forthcoming  H_NGM_N BKS book, Debacle Debacle. Also, John Clare and Jon Anderson and Paul Violi!  Also my band Travel.

Please check it out.

All best,



Justin Patrick Moore said...

That was a great interview Matt. I'm a bit of a John Clare fan myself. I was thinking a lot about "debacle" vs. "diabolical" after I read the interview.

Today at work at the library (where I often look for "random" poetry books) I discovered this quote from Howard McCord in the introduction to his Selected Poems 1955-1971: "I hold the poem is mutant information, delirious, proper as geometry, antidote to common reason, heart-honest, an earthly echo of the continuous feasting of angels."

I'll be dipping further into his book, though I hadn't heard of him before.

Matt said...

Thanks for this, Justin. I don't know his work either. I love the idea of a poem as "mutant information."